tirsdag 22. november 2011

Bildeanalyse av Anders, Peder og Kristoffer


Bildet viser en sammenkrøket figur ved en murvegg. Personen er rettet fra bilde, og står i en mørk svart jakke. Figuren som kan oppfattes som motivet er plassert i mellomgrunnen. Bildet er et utsnitt, og er tatt fra normalperspektiv. I tillegg at det er en plakat i forgrunnen er også et av lysene på veggen over skikkelsen her. Skikkelsen er i mellomgrunnen, sammen med to andre lys. Vi får ikke se mye av bakgrunnen, men øverst til høyre i bilde er det noe som kan minne om en trapp. Dette sier kanskje noe om at det er en trapp på vei videre ned og.

Bildet kommuniserer rask og gir en umiddelbar virkning av en mørk, trist og dyster stemning, samt en liten følelse av ensomhet og utestengelse. Vi føler at bildet både har ekspressive og poetiske funksjoner. Fordi at bilde viser følelser, som beskrevet tidligere, men bildet viser også en stemning. Du kan se at personen står med hetta på i et hjørne og ser ned i bakken, dette viser et symbol på ensomhet, og kanskje mobbing. Det er brukt svart-hvitt farge perspektiv for å gi en mer trist følelse i bildet. 

onsdag 16. november 2011

English - "Looting in London" tasks

1. Looting is the indiscriminate taking of goods by force as part of a military or political victory, or during a catastrophe, such as during a war. Rioting is a wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people.

2. Definition of these words:

  • Social exclusion -  Social disadvantage
  • Disregard - To pay no attention to, or ignore
  • Social norms - Acceptable behaviors within for example a society
  • High unemployment - A large part of the society has no jobs, or hasn't been working for the last four weeks 
  • Criminologist - Someone that studies what causes criminal behaviors
  • Opportunism - Taking advantage in situations for your own good, not regarding for principles. 
  • Consumerism - A social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in ever great amounts
3.  These things can happen all over the world because there's unemploment everywhere. I think it could have occured here aswell, but to a certain degree. The english youngsters are more known for their bad behavior than the norwegians. Anyways, there's always people everywhere you go that will take advantage of those type of situations, so I think that it could have happened here too. 


  • I think it signifies how bad the social and economic conditions in England are. They need to change it so people will have fewer reasons to implement these actions. 
  • This is definitely a cause of the class system because it gives the people that are born into higher class a greater advantage. It also gives the lower class people a hard time to get decent jobs, or even a job. 


søndag 23. oktober 2011

Sources used in Travel Blog

Field Productions Facebook page
My own knowledge

Goodbye Canada!

This is going to be my last post here from Canada. In about an hour or so, I will be flying down the mountain hills  in the helicopter. I really don't want to go home because I haven't seen everything yet although I have experienced a lot while I've been here. This post will be a short summary of my trip.

As I said, I have experienced a lot while staying at Mica Heli. What I enjoyed the most was sliding down the mountains in the soft powder snow. And in addition to that, the great weather. Every single day I was here, the sun was shining outside. I'm grateful that I got this opportunity to be here FOR FREE. I can't imagine how expensive it must have been for Field Productions to pay this trip.

The recording went really well. The producers told us they got some great footage. I'm looking forward to see the movie when it's finished (mainly because I thought I made a great effort). Also, I got to meet a lot of interesting people (and crazy ones) and maybe I will make a movie with them again someday (?).

When you travel to a place, it's important to know some background information about it. Therefore, I'll type down facts about British Columbia (because I've already told you about Mica Heli).

  • British Columbia is located in the western area in Canada
  • It's (of course) known for its natural beauty
  • The name "British Columbia" was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858
  • In 1871, it became the sixth province of Canada
  • The province is currently governed by the BC Liberal Party, led by Premier Christy Clark, who became leader as a result of the party election on February 26, 2011
Thanks to Field Productions for letting me get this unbelievable experience. I will remember this for the rest of my life. 


Mica Heli!


Sorry for not keeping you guys updated. I've been so busy the last few days, skiing. It's just the most beatiful place to ski in the entire world, it's just so... amazing.....

Anyways, I've been in Canada for about a week now. When I got to the airport, a couple of guys from Field Productions picked me up in a van. They told me we were going to Mica Heli, which is a skiing paradise in British Columbia, Canada.

So after hours and hours of driving we finally arrived. I remebered I woke up, and the car was standing in the middle of the road. Why? You may ask. Well, the thing is, the only way you could get up to Mica Heli was by flying a helicopter. That gave me a small taste of how exclusive this trip was.
Mica Heli crew
When we arrived at the lodge, it was dinner time. All the other skiers sat around the table when I entered the dining room. A bit awkward, but what can you do.
And btw, the food was made by professional gourmet chefs. Clearly one of my better food experiences. 

The last days we (the skiers, which is a group containing 8 people) have been hitting jumps all over the place, and I have to tell you, I really feel honored to participate in this movie because a lot of this skiers are world class. 
Amazing, right?
By now you're probably wondering, what is Mica Heli?

Well, Mica Heli is (as a mentioned before in the text) a place in British Columbia, Canada. 
  • It has unquestionably the best ski terrain on the planet.
  •  Mica Heli is run buy the Mica Heli crew, which are professional educated people
  • Every day, professional chefs will provide you a gourmet dinner
  • An intimate backcountry lodge setting with gourmet dining, outdoor hot tubs, massage facilities and high speed wireless internet throughout
  • Incredible heli-skiing runs are less than a two minute flight from the lodge
The lodge
For further Info, visit Mica Heli's homepage here

In two days, I will be going home, but I will write my last post before I pack my bags and head home

See ya!

tirsdag 18. oktober 2011


Guess where I'm blogging from now?
The plane of course!
That's what I love about Norwegian. Surfing on the beautiful white clouds surrounded by proffesional skiers. Can you make it any better?

Well, in five minutes the plain will arrive, so I have to go now. I am going to Canada (if you read the title you would have known that by now). The plain will land at Ottawa airport, and where the producers will take me later, well I don't know but I'm looking forward too it. I will keep you guys updated.

See ya!

søndag 16. oktober 2011

Just to make things clear

In my travel blog, everything I say about myself won't be true, for instance, I am not a proffesional skier. That's just something I would have enjoyed being, so I have decided to see myself as a proffesional skier, but JUST in the travel blog.

Where am I going?

Hey guys!

Right now I am packing my bags, and getting ready for my trip which I won't reveal yet. I have been asked to participate in Field Productions new video called "Being there". It's a ski movie which will be released worldwide, and it's essential for my future as a professional skier. I'm really looking forward to it, and I'm confident that it will be a great experience.

By the way, Field Productions is a Norwegian company that shoots ski movies. It was founded in 2002 by Filip Christensen. Everything started with Filip and his friend skiing in Filip's backyard. By the time they got older, Filip and his friends started to record themselves pulling off tricks on a small jump at the local slopes. Filip thought the recording went well, and released his first movie (which I can't come up with right now). At that time, ski movies weren't that revolutional, but Filip kept on recording, and 9 years later, he is running a very successful company that releases nearly one movie every year. They have had a lot of famous skiers in their movies, such as Axel Lund Svindal.

Filip Christensen

fredag 7. oktober 2011


En genser er et klesplagg som brukes av alle typer mennesker. Det finnes flere varianter av gensere, f.eks. hettegenser, cardigan, v-genser osv. Noen bruker gensere for å holde seg varm, for å se "kul" ut, eller rett og slett fordi det er deilig å slappe av med en god og myk hettegenser på.

Den deilige nye hettegenseren min, du gjør tilværelsen god. Deilig myk komfort, dette er virkelig en suksess. Du gjør en kald regnværsdag varm og god. Når jeg tar deg på kjenner jeg glede. Du lyser opp min hverdag, og lyset varer dagen ut.  

onsdag 28. september 2011

Blood Diamond - Analysis

Nearly two weeks ago, I watched the movie "Blood Diamond". I found the story quite interesting, even though I have seen it before. I prefer deeper stories than this type, but still I enjoyed the movie. It's an action packed and emotional story witch I like howerer, however, a movie that lasts for nearly three hours can sometimes be a real pain in the ass. But anyways, it's a good movie with a descent story, with an especially good background story.

..... But still not the kind of movie I enjoy watching. My favorite movie is "Fight Club". 

tirsdag 27. september 2011

Me, myself and I

I thought I could make a short introduction about myself.
My name is Kristoffer, I am a 16 year old boy from who live in Norway. I go to the school "Adolf Øien", and there I study at the entrepreneur line. I like to play soccer and I have been doing that for nearly ten years, but I'm not that great at it. The rest of my time I use to hang out with friends and of course homework.
 .... :)

fredag 23. september 2011


Mine tips for argumentasjon er:
- Å være klar i stemmen
- Få frem dine synspunkter/meninger på en saklig måte
- Vær korrekt i argumentene. Kom med argumenter som er sanne, ikke påstander
- Når du argumenter, spesielt foran mennesker, må du passe på å ikke komme med argumenter som kan være støtende

Mislykket forsøk på kommunikasjon - Få meg på for faen

Et mislykket forsøk på kommunikasjon i filmen "Få meg på for faen" er når Artur prøver å få Alma til å ha samleie med han ved å røre hoften hennes med penisen hans. Alma reagerer ikke på den måten han ønsker og dette er da et godt eksempel på mislykket kommunikasjon.

torsdag 22. september 2011


Dette er min første post på bloggen, håper dere får god nytte av informasjonen jeg kommer til å formidle og annet.