torsdag 3. mai 2012

Tony's story - Poem



Who loves his family 
Who likes his pueblo 
Who loves his freedom 

Who feels trapped 
Who feels haunted 
Who feels afraid 

Who needs help 
Who needs revenge 
Who needs his brother 

Who fears "it" 
Who fears worries 
Who fears jail 

Who gives a shit 
Who gives love
Who gives kindness

Who wishes to see america
Who wishes to see the world 
Who wishes to see the world between heaven and earth

New Mexico

tirsdag 10. april 2012

30 Rock

  A) I think we watched this episode because it’s relevant to the topic racism, which is the topic we are working at the moment. In this episode there is a woman who has recently got a new neighbor. Her new neighbor is from the Middle East and is performing activities which bring suspicions that he might be a terrorist. The TV-show mixes humor and seriousness by revealing that the woman’s neighbor is actually submitting a tryout video for “The Amazing Race”. The woman gets taught a lesson when she finds out that her new neighbor isn’t a terrorist, after reporting him to the U.S Government.   

  B) Humor is a good way to approach sensitive topic because if we took everything seriously, the world we live in would be quite boring. The important thing is to know your limits. Some things are not meant to be joked with. People may laugh, but inside, they’re not having a good time. Jokes can offend people, but also create smiles; it depends on how it’s done.

Alec Baldwin

fredag 9. mars 2012

Bloggoppgåver på Nynorsk!

Oppgåve A
Augeblikk 2: Sola skinnar bak dei rosa skyene i horisonten. Var minner meg om sommaren som bankar på døra, den varme, gode sommaren. Det er ikkje lenge til, men det følas som evigheter. Skulen er enno ikkje slutt, og eg har tonnevis av prøver igjen. Byen er slikt ein fredfullt stad når kvelden byrjar å inntreffe. Solnedgangen er like om hjørnet og temperaturen ligg på eit komfortabelt nivå. Apropos menneske. Eg skimtar noko lengre nede i gata, ein gjeng gutar som lagar uvanleg mykje støy. Kva er det dei pønskar ut? Vil dei noko? Bør eg trekkje unna? Eg veit ikkje, eg vel å gå nærare. Sidan eg kjem nærare ser eg gutegjengen rundt ein mørk skikkelse. Han ser ut til og vere ein ordentleg person sidan han går i uniform. Gutane kretsar vilt rundt han og ropar og hoiar. Mannen i uniform ser rimeleg oppskaka ut, og prøver febrilsk og kome seg vekk. Gutegjengen blir særs aggressiv, moglegvis ein verknad av den sterke spritlukta dei alle har. Plutseleg snur dei seg og ser mot meg, mannen i uniform har tydelegvis møtt blikket mitt. Dei byrjar å skrike truslar, og eg vel å skygge banen. Mannen i uniform verkar særs atletisk, og har sikkert kamperfaring eller noko liknande, han klarar seg nok.
Oppgåve B
  • Mikal hiv frå seg sekken på golvet, og sleng seg på senga. Éin time til bandøving. Han ligg og tenkjer på framtida. Han ser for seg store folkemengder, jenteskrik, og ry. Mikal grublar medan han lagar seg mat på kjøkkenet; Er dette det han verkeleg vil? Mikal har byrja å høyre meir og meir på klassisk musikk i det siste. Fiolin er eit instrument som har interessert han spesielt mykje. Mikal er i grunn lei av rockelåtene og alt det tomme snakket om store konsertar. Mikal vil ikkje på bandøving. Han vil kjøpe fiolin, han vil spele for seg sjølv, han vil utvide horisonten sin.
  • Vinden susar innover frå det store havet. Håret blir drege tilbake, og eg kjenner det byrjar å bli ein anelse kjølig. Kor er dei andre? Dei skulle jo ha kome for å hente meg for over ein time sidan. Timane går, ja, det byrjar å gå mot ettermiddag og kveld. Vindstyrken aukar, fingrane byrjar å bli kvite. Eg skulle kanskje ha teke med den vindjakka mora mi nemnde. Tida går. Kor er dei? Har dei gløymt meg? Vindstyrken har auka endå eit hakk, snart kjem eg til å blåse over ende.

Oppgåve D
Det hende seg ein kald vinterdag for ikkje lengje sidan at døden inntraff for eit lite spedbarn.
Det var ein dystar stemning på fødeavdelingen. Mannen og kona kikka tomt ut i lufta medan dei vart fortalt at den vesle skatten deira hadde teke vegen opp til himmelen. Det fanst ikkje andletsuttrykk, berre triste tankar.

mandag 13. februar 2012

Why I love sports

There are so many different reasons to why I love sports, mainly because it’s so great and everybody can participate.

Sports are great because it includes people. Everyone can participate in sports, and you are most likely to find a sport that fits you. There’s something for everyone. You can for example be a skier, a dancer, a sailor, a soccer player etc.
When I say that sports include people, I also mean that it unites people. You meet new people, potential friends, when you participate in sports. It’s very to get to know the people that participate in the same sport as you because you share the same interest, the sport you’re both participating.

Sports are also great because you can make a career out of it. If you’re really good at a specific sport, you can make a huge career out of it. For example, you can be a huge talent in the local football club. One day, a scout comes to your practice. He watches you play, and he gets interested. He then contacts the club he’s scouting for and tells them about you. One day, he comes to your practice, after watching you some more, and gives you an offer. He wants you to play for a better club, and that’s how many great careers’ has started. Take Cristiano Ronaldo as an example. He grew up in Portugal in a very poor family, and he only ate sardines for a long time. But he had talent for the game, and one day a scout came to him and gave him an offer.
As said, there are so many reasons why sports are amazing, but if I would have mentioned everyone, it would probably take days.  

Cristiano Ronaldo 

onsdag 8. februar 2012

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

What I like/dislike about the book?

I like the book because it goes deep into Christopher’s mind. He not only saying what he’s doing, he’s also describing what he feels when a certain situation shows up. It makes the book quite interesting, and you get an insight of what’s going on in his head and how he reacts. Sometimes he reacts with screaming or vomiting, sometimes he reacts by doing violent actions, and sometimes he does not react at all. This is what I think makes the book interesting because you understand how a person with Asperger’s syndrome express his/her feelings and how they feel deep down inside. Even though the author hasn’t got Asperger’s, it feels like you’re reading an inside diary of a person with the syndrome. That is what I like about the book.

I dislike the book because sometimes, Christopher writes facts about themes, subjects, books or a movie that interests him. That can make it difficult to keep track of the main story sometimes. He starts talking about quadratic equations and after reading about that for nearly five minutes, you have lost track of the story, and you have to start over by reading the recent 5 pages. By that, you get tired by reading the book because you have to read the pages all over again.

I have split feelings about the book. The main story is very describing and enjoyable, but the fact part makes the story quite difficult to follow.